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    When deciding which toys to buy for your children, you have to confront many choices. We want the best for our kids, but what if you're just not sure of the best toys? Are there really any good reasons for parents to make the effort to find high quality wooden educational toys for their children to play with when plastic toys are so easy to find and affordable?


    Why Wooden Toys?

    There’s something enduringly sweet about wooden toys. While they aren’t as flashy as their plastic counterparts, they are eco-friendly and non-toxic and still spark children’s creativity.

    Wooden toys can also withstand loads of abuse—being banged around, chewed on and thrown across the room—and still look good. Because they’re so durable, wooden toys last through multiple children and even generations.

    here are some major benefits of wooden toys for kids.

    Wooden toys are safer

    It is true that many plastic toys can potentially contain harmful elements that aren't healthy for children. Wooden toys are generally non-toxic and made from natural materials, which means children can handle them by chewing on them or sucking on them. You don’t have to worry about polluting your home with unknown chemicals or worry about what your child could possibly be eating.

    Plastic toys, especially the cheaply made variety, can break easily, potentially leaving sharp edges and small parts that may do child harm – especially if they are at an age where everything they come across gets put in their mouth. Wood, strong and sturdy by comparison, offers less risk in this way.

    Wooden toys are more durable

    Wooden toys are made of quality wood and are solid, it’s hard for them to be damaged beyond the basic scratch or dent. If your kid gets them dirty, you can simply clean them so they’re ready for the next learning activity.

    In addition to being sturdy, wooden toys are also an elastic material with a long service life. Not only can wooden toys be enjoyed by generations, but the same wooden toys often last throughout generations.


    Wooden toys are more educational

    Wooden baby toys offer great educational benefits and help to develop vital skills such as hand-eye coordination, developing problem solving skills, mental awareness and manual agility.

    Toddlers and preschoolers love to build, and wooden toys that they can assemble teach them about spatial relations, logic, and help to develop fine motor skills.

    Preschoolers enjoy making up imaginary worlds of animals and people, and Imaginative play offers a variety of wooden sets that will encourage verbalization, motor skills, and exploration of different animal habitats.

    Wooden puzzles develop a child's sense of order, logic, and space, and, depending upon the theme, can teach about numbers, the alphabet, animals, and many other things. Three dimensional puzzles like these develop problem-solving skills as children fit the interlocking pieces together to form an animal shape.


    Wooden toys promote imagination

    Wooden toys offer children a blank slate upon which they can project all the wildness and extravagance of their burgeoning imaginations. When children are playing with toys, they aren’t just keeping busy; they’re doing some serious learning, too.

    Wooden toys give children the ability to take control. While some wooden toys come in the shape of vehicles, food, or common household items, they still encourage children to use their imaginations to incorporate them into learning and play. Basic shapes, such as blocks, sticks, arcs, triangles, and circles. These basic shapes allow kids to really explore their uses and come up with creative ways to use them in different subject areas. For example, kids can experiment with physics by building various structures with wooden toys or learn about geometry by handling the toys to create their own geometric patterns.

    While learning resources can provide you with ideas for using wooden toys to educate your child at home, they're just a starting point, a way to pique your child's interest before letting them come up with even more creative uses. Younger kids in particular can fit virtually any object into any scenario. Since most wooden toys don't come with a pre-conceived purpose, they encourage kids to develop their imaginations even further.

    Wooden toys are more environmentally friendly

    There are many environmental issues to consider with toys, including the resources used in creating toys, and the waste created when the packaging or toy itself is discarded.

    Wooden toys made from sustainably sourced, certified wood are, of course, a much more environmentally friendly option than plastic toys. As an organic, renewable substance, wooden toys are biodegradable and can be recycled.
